How did she do it? Part 2A

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How to use a simple word processor using any tablet computer, smartphone or Laptop

We used Google Docs as our Word Processor and not Microsoft Word as it can be used on any device, from anywhere and at any time. Please watch the video below and you see just how simple it is.

It is really easy to use and you do not need to download anything. The video will show you all you need to know to get started and how you can still send Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF or Google DOCs to people. I will point out that Google Docs has one major benefit over the others. That is because you can share the document with anyone and they can help produce the final version without you, the originator, having to manage multiple copies of attachments. This is achieved by sharing the one and only document required and so other co-authors can work on exactly the same document you started.

This is such a simple idea I’m sure Microsoft would have done it this way 30 years ago. However they didn’t and the rest is history. The good news is that you don’t have to purchase another piece of software again. So Word, Excel and PowerPoint are no longer required and you can now use Docs, Sheet and Slides instead.

We used Google Docs as our dear widow wanted to use her Apple iPad instead of her laptop. Like many others of her age,  tablet computers have enabled the user to consume online content simply and easily. Laptops computers have been used for both creation and consumption of online material. Using Google Docs allows one to create and consume on a device of choice. Our widow prefers the screen on her iPad and can read her work anywhere simply and easily.

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