How did she do it – Part 7 Deciding on the Format.

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Burying her head once more as we try to perfect the way we publish this book, the dear widow said “Decisions Decisions that is all I am having to do.

“So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” J.R.R. Tolkein The Fellowship of the Ring.

“Yes” I said “we have to decide which format we want. This is how we choose:-


In Google Docs – Like many other word processors we have a formating choice. 


There were several  things we needed to do in order to publish the book. So we went to the top of the docuFormat - Imagement and waded through the things required.

Page Number - Format

  1. Decide on the page size – this we did by looking at many published books and which was the one we felt most comfortable reading and was in line with that of our potential readers. So to File and page- setup. We chose A5.
  2. On that page-setup you also have Margin Settings.  For this book we decided to have a slightly larger left margin to allow for the binding by glue so that in the end there was no difference visible on publication.
  3. Then did we want pages numbered and where? Off we went to Insert.
  4. Then did we want different line spacing? Just as I have added here. This time we went to FormatLine Spacing - Format
  5. There are many ways to emphasise through font size.


The number of words used in a chapter or on a page is of great importance so we go to Tools to choose exactly what info we want in front of us while writing/editing.

The choice one has is enormous BUT to embrace all this is to have fun and play with all the options under all the headings  at the top of the document you are writing. It is a matter of trial and error. Only YOU can decide what suits for your document.

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